Perris Market Space
"The mission of the Perris Marketspace Shop Local program is to support and promote the growth of local businesses by encouraging residents, visitors, and tourists to choose local merchants for their shopping, dining, and service needs. We aim to strengthen our community’s economy, foster a vibrant marketplace, and enhance the local tourism experience. By keeping dollars within our community, we strive to build a more connected, resilient, and sustainable economy that benefits both residents and visitors alike."
Perris Union High School District
Schools & Education
Rep/Contact Info
Grant BennettGrant BennettSuperintendentAlejandra GarciaAlejandra GarciaJob Development Specialist- Phone: (951) 943-6369 ext 81123
Azucena NavarreteAzucena NavarreteCommunity Liaison- Phone: (951) 943-6369 ext 81130
Sarah RicoSarah RicoAssistant to the Superintendent's Office- Phone: (951) 943-6369 ext. 80103
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